In these uncertain times, being prepared for emergencies has never been more crucial. The key is to anticipate potential challenges and develop alternative systems that can sustain you during extended periods of crisis. A simple exercise like turning off your electricity in cold weather can reveal the inconveniences you might face, prompting you to find alternative solutions.
Imagine those inconveniences lasting for months. Now, what problems would you encounter? This is the point from which you need to devise alternative systems. The domino effect of no power extends to no gas, affecting not only your ability to use generators but also disrupting the supply chain for stores. It emphasizes the importance of having a preparedness plan, not just for yourself but for the community at large.
In previous blogs, we discussed various alternative systems for essentials like water, toileting, cooking, and laundry.
Today, let's delve into a fundamental aspect of preparedness: your pantry. Having two pantry supplies—one short-term and one long-term—is a strategy that can significantly enhance your readiness for any emergency.
Your short-term pantry comprises everyday items like canned goods, bulk grains, beans, flour, and dehydrated or home-canned foods. This pantry is regularly replenished during your grocery runs and forms the basis of your daily meal preparation. On the other hand, the long-term storage pantry consists of items that can last for an extended period, ready to be used when the short-term pantry is running low.
By now, your working pantry should be well-stocked with real, single ingredients, leaning towards home-cooked meals from scratch. This includes mastering the art of using single ingredients, from dairy products like sour cream and butter to creating sauces and spice blends, like taco seasoning. These skills may not be utilized daily, but they become invaluable in times of need.
The second part of this strategy involves building a long-term storage pantry. This includes freeze-dried foods and properly vacuum-sealed bulk items such as grains and beans. Incorporating these ingredients into your daily cooking routine not only hones your skills but ensures familiarity with these items in case of an emergency.
As the urgency to complete this system grows, it's essential to act swiftly. Everyday delays may limit the availability of items due to rising costs and shipping expenses. Partnering with resources like Thrive Life can help secure your long-term pantry, reducing chaos in case of an extended emergency.
For those wondering how to start a long-term pantry, consider these steps:
Congratulations on Taking Action:Â Starting now is an investment in your family's safety, well-being and finances.
Think Long Term:Â Differentiate between short-term and long-term needs. While your short-term pantry is based on preferences, the long-term pantry focuses on nutrition and variety.
To help you get started, explore Thrive Life's monthly ship program, offering no sign-up fees, 15% off, and free shipping on orders over $100. Begin with sale items, add a meat selection, and gradually build a well-rounded assortment of smaller pantry cans before investing in family-sized cans.
Consider this sample $100 order to kickstart your preparedness journey:
(This month diced chicken and ground beef are both on sale. so I included the chicken)
diced chicken 22.86 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-chopped-chicken-1239.html
diced carrots 10.59 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/carrot-dices.html
sweet corn 12.22 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-sweet-corn-681.html
instant black beans are one of our favorites to incorporate in for bulk without just eating 11.94 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/instant-black-beans-1620.html
celery 17.09 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-celery.html
chopped onions 14.09 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-chopped-onions-694.html
chicken Bouillion 21.09 https://goshen.thrivelife.com/chicken-bouillon.html
This initial investment lays the foundation for a diverse working pantry and a solid start on long-term storage. As your working pantry expands, you can then focus on acquiring family-sized cans to replenish used stock, ensuring a cost-effective and sustainable approach to emergency preparedness.
If you decide to build or strengthen your pantry using thrive and use our link goshen.thrivelife.com I will give you my meal in jar and Master mix recipe collection to you for free! This should help equip your pantry building journey with ingredients and recipes!
