Magic Salve is a versatile salve for bumps, bruises, and surface skin discomforts. It’s great for soothing diaper rash, bug bites, and stings, making it a go-to for kids of all ages.
What’s the secret behind it? Comfrey.
What is Comfrey?
Comfrey is a perennial herb, also known as "knitbone," historically used for its potential to support the body’s natural recovery processes. Rich in calcium and vitamin C, it is known for its nourishing properties and ability to help support the body’s efforts to repair and renew skin. Each batch of Magic Salve is infused with comfrey carefully harvested from my own gardens, ensuring a high-quality, fresh product.
Note: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition.
Magic Salve
coconut oil, Comfrey leaf, plaintain, beeswax