This kit contains all you need to keep your boo boo’s in check
Magic salve and drawing salve is one of our families favorites.
Magic salve can be applied to bruises, sprains, bites and bumps Apply as needed
Drawing salve is applied to a spot that needs something drawn out, wether toxin or sliver
This has been a go-to for many years. It is a drawing salve, not to be confused with the “eschotic black salve” that I also talk about. This salve helps to “draw out", foreign intrusions like slivers or toxins, like insect bites. It will be the first time it is listed as I have only made to order before.
This has some amazing qualities of nature. Coconut and sweet almond oil infused with pine needles, hyssop, calendula, plantain, lavender essential oil, activated charcoal, kayolin clay and GOSHENS own honey and honey comb!
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