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PuppyPoo is here! Are you looking for an all natural pet shampoo with natural pest deterrents? This might be for you and your fur baby. I have created this soap with shea butter for extra moisturizing effects, but also added Essential oils such as Teatree, lemongrass, Geranium oil, Cedarwood, and eucalyptus. It also has activated charcoal in it which helps in deodorizing.

I have used this so many times on my dogs and love it! It leaves a light clean fresh smell, but the best thing is it rinses out fairly quickly and easily, leaving no residue behind.

This bar is bigger than my other soap bars and weighs in at 8 ounces. I usually take the bar and cut it up into smaller pieces so that the whole bar is not being used at once. I feel this helps save on the usage of the bar.

It is $8.50 for 7.5 ounces

PuppyPoo Doggy Soap

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